Monday, November 14, 2011

Life on Mars

Yes, this is almost the same outfit as yesterday. I just had a rush of inspiration for this shirt as i walked back to my closet and suddenly realized how many clothes i have (and more i could accumulate) that can be pared with it.
This shirt goes with everything, i love the fit and neckline.

Last night I watched Insidious.
I'm a pretty big fan of scary films and it has topped the charts as one of my favourites.

I have been a fan of the Paranormal(s).
Freaky as Hell.
I try to catch them while they're in the theatre so i don't have to watch them sitting on my own couch in my home of safety.

Shirt: UO
Dress: F21
Tights: American Apparel
Shoes: Topshop


  1. looks comfy but chic!

    i love the dresser in the posts below.


  2. love your tee! Lovely blog :) Visit mine and if you like it follow me! I'll be so grateful!

  3. I agree with you, the neckline of this shirt is really amazing.


Thank you!